
A Battle at My Shop on 8/16/2014

My deck need no colorless energy of attack of Nyoromo (XY3) and Nyorozo (XY3) and Nyorobon (XY3) by the Ability of Nyorotono (XY3), “King’s Rock”.

On the other hand , the opponent takes damage counters on me by the Ability of Foretos(XY2), “Thorn Tempest”and he increases damage of the attack of AirmdEX(XY1),“Tailspin Piledriver”

Both use only XY series, and advance of a battle is slow. 

It becomes a front match of both of concepts, when the situation is ready. 
When Nyorotono (XY3) is pushed down, it is hard to become slow.

Moreover, in end of game, when there are many hands, it is hard to be changed four sheets by a Red Card

Since there is no “N” in XY series, there are few methods of changing a opponent’s hands. 

Red Card is usefull when a opponent is about to win.

See you.

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